Octagonal Venetian Mirror with a Crest Top 019_Octagonal_Venitian_Mirror_det3_Crest_0031.jpeg

Octagonal Venetian Mirror with a Crest Top

A George II Style Giltwood Mirror 021225_obj1v1.jpg

A George II Style Giltwood Mirror

19th Century Karl Johan Swedish Scallop Gilted Mirror Gilt_Mirror_014_master.jpeg

19th Century Karl Johan Swedish Scallop Gilted Mirror

1950s Gustaf Eden Spegalfabrik "Koncrete" Mirror 1841 Koncrete Mirror_003.jpg

1950s Gustaf Eden Spegalfabrik "Koncrete" Mirror

MidCentury Modern Mirror and Console Table by Erik Höglund DSC_5370.jpg

MidCentury Modern Mirror and Console Table by Erik Höglund

Rectangular 18th Century Georgian Mirror Gild_Mirror_DET2.jpg

Rectangular 18th Century Georgian Mirror

A George II Period Giltwood Mirror 10_Mirror_027.jpg

A George II Period Giltwood Mirror

An Arched Mirror with a Reverse Glass Decorated Frame 021225_obj2v1.jpg

An Arched Mirror with a Reverse Glass Decorated Frame
